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Case Study: Leanpay & A2U

Case Study: Leanpay & A2U

Read more about our successful collaboration between Leanpay and A2U.

Leanpay is changing the rules with AI

Leanpay is changing the rules with AI

All around us, artificial intelligence is dictating new trends and advanced technologies. Adapting to these changes is crucial, especially when companies are faced with repetitive tasks that are slowing them down in productivity.

Integrating AI into work processes thus allows companies to free themselves from repetitive tasks and focus on more complex tasks. In this way, companies can ensure relevance and competence in a rapidly evolving world.

Leanpay is the market leader in Slovenia

Leanpay is the market leader in Slovenia

The first quarter has brought excellent news about Leanpay's growth in Slovenia! Research conducted by Ipsos shows that Leanpay’s market presence strengthens every year, highlighting a positive growth trend. This success is proof of the collaborative efforts of our dedicated team and trusted partners.

New partnership: Leanpay and ZNSS

New partnership: Leanpay and ZNSS

We are delighted to finally announce our new partnership with the Football Referees Association of Slovenia (Zveza nogometnih sodnikov Slovenije - ZNSS), which we have been working on over the past months. Together with them, we are promoting fair play, responsibility and transparency in football and BNPL.

Responsible lending must be the cornerstone of Buy Now Pay Later

Responsible lending must be the cornerstone of Buy Now Pay Later

Buy Now Pay Later services are abundant, but many of their models are proving unsustainable. More efficient credit checks and fairer interest rates are the way forward, while still enabling a seamless customer experience for purchases of any size.

No competition, just teamwork - Teambuilding in Slovenia

No competition, just teamwork - Teambuilding in Slovenia

Only a powerful team can lead to powerful results. With this in mind in September 2022, we organized a team building in Slovenia, where our members tested themselves in fun and unique teambuilding challenges: creating a 3-part chain reaction and sports activities.

Read below how our team building took place, what we learned about team spirit, and how we will use this knowledge in the future to ensure our BNPL service will be even better.